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Steel Mill Roll Cladding

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Steel mill rolls operate in harsh environments characterized by high-temperature oxidation, corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, thermal fatigue, abrasion, and adhesion. Kladex enhances the service life of steel mill rolls through a meticulous approach. This includes determining failure mechanisms, selecting appropriate alloys, comprehending the relationship between welding processes and microstructure evolution, and providing complete roll cladding technology and know-how transfer. Our expertise span automation, heat treatment, machining facilities, and quality control procedures.

What we

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Determining the failure mechanisms

Determining the failure mechanisms

Selecting the most suitable alloys

Understanding the relationship between the welding processes and the microstructure evolution

Complete roll cladding refurbishment workshop design and setup, from automation, heat treatment, machining facilities and quality control procedures

Kladex Ltd, Unit 4, Burlington Park, Foxton, Cambridge, CB22 6SA, UK

+44 (0) 1223 478595

Copyrights Reserved © 2023 by Kladex Ltd

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